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Hypnotherapy can be a beneficial part of a healthy life as it has been known to treat many lifestyle hurdles such as smoking cravings; overeating, stress and anxiety. But hypnotherapy can also assist physical problems too such as high blood pressure, headaches and asthma. For more information on the benefits of hypnotherapy 

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What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a method, usually achieved with the help of a hypnotherapist, to attain an altered state of consciousness that is different from your everyday awareness.
Hypnosis creates a state of deep relaxation and can help to concentrate your mind on a specific thought, memory, feeling or sensation while blocking out distractions. Hypnosis can make people more open than usual to suggestions, and this can be used to change behavior and thereby improve health and well-being.
Being in a hypnotic trance is a relaxing experience, and you will still be aware of all physical sensations around you. In fact, being hypnotised can be rather like being in a daydream. A hypnotist will be able to put you in a light trance or deep trance, depending on what therapeutic method you have agreed on beforehand.
Importantly, a person should not be hypnotised unless they agree to being hypnotised.

What is the purpose of hypnotherapy?

The purpose of hypnosis is to help you gain more control over your behavior, emotions or physical well-being. Its aims are to bring about changes in the way a person feels, thinks, and/or behaves, as well as to help to relieve the symptoms of a wide variety of diseases and conditions.

What are the benefits of hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy helps with any problems that people are finding hard to handle – such as thoughts and actions they’d like to banish or acquire, or emotional suffering that is too overwhelming or has gone on for too long.
Hypnotherapy has also been known to treat some of the following conditions: smoking cravings; overeating; fear; stress; anxiety; phobias; pain during childbirth; high blood pressure; headaches; asthma and disease symptoms.

Some people are more open to suggestion and therefore are more able to go into hypnosis quicker and deeper than others. Most people are capable of going into at least a light trance, though and that is often good enough to gain some health benefits. Hypnotherapy is also sometimes used as part of a broader treatment plan.

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